The Power of Starting

Aug 11, 2023

Taking the steps to start anything new is intimidating, unnerving, exciting, thrilling, overwhelming, and chock full of possibility. I’ve existed in spaces for most of my life where starting came with a push from an outside source. Deadlines for tests or book chapters keep us on track with studying and writing. Race dates keep us moving forward with training. A conference date will keep us rolling on our signature talk. Your baby’s arrival pushes you head first into your role as a parent….and so on. Ready or not, most things arrive and push you into action. I’ve thrived with the help of this pressure. It’s taken much of the responsibility off me in many ways.

If you ask, however, about the process of starting when you’re creating something new, something unique, something personal without a deadline? That drive to start is all from within. It has to come with a deep and abiding ‘why’, a reason that starts and ends with purpose, and a desire that transcends the cocoon you’ve created.

This is me starting without a deadline. This business is my creation. It’s inception is not necessary for me to continue to live my ‘normal’ life. I could keep doing what I’ve always done and being who I’ve always been, which is, of course, enough. It is necessary, however, in order for me to answer a deeper calling within - a calling that compels me to become the next highest version of myself, a calling that implores me to share the tools that have helped me uplevel my own life, and a calling that reminds me daily the absolute importance and challenge of integrity.

Starting can bring up all kinds of emotion- many of them ones none of us like to feel. That’s where the power lies. Can you feel the fear, doubt, and uncertainty and do it anyway?

Starting sends a message. It shifts the energy in the Universe. It breaks a cycle of the same. It allows the existence of new outcome. It grows you exponentially. It teaches your brain to think differently.

What in your life is waiting to be started, shifted, transfigured? Who is waiting to be transformed by the value you have yet to bring to the world, even if that someone is you? What is calling you?

If you would love some help finding your why or figuring out where to start in your own life, let me know! I’m so excited to help!



Coach g

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