The Beauty Of Our Own Creation
Sep 28, 2023
Have you ever stopped to admire the exquisite nature of who you are? Do you look at the intricacies of what surrounds you and recognize the power of your own being? Do you see that you create your experience with each passing moment?
Many of us never see the artist in the mirror. We spend decades of our life fighting back the outside. We want a different house, car, relationship, career. We restrict our food to change our external self and fight our bodies into submission to look the way we want them to look. We try to change everything outside on the never ending quest for the feeling we seek. It’s us against the world and even ourselves, and most of the time we feel powerless.
But what would happen if, for a moment, we embraced the small and the big pieces of our existence, the spaces we find ourselves in, the body we’ve been given, the little nuances of our world and recognized our role in the creation of our own experience? What if we didn’t have to change anything on the outside to hear a different song inside? And what if changing the inside gives us more agency to change the outside if it no longer serves?
Swimming in a sea of circumstance, we get to decide whether we swim a beautiful swim or fight the current holding on for dear life. You see, circumstances are neutral. They hold no weight of their own until we assign it ourselves. The heaviness of our lives is oftentimes a direct reflection of the heaviness of our own perspective.
Thoughts are the magic ingredient connecting our circumstances to our feelings. Our thoughts create our feelings, and our feelings create our actions and results. I cannot control my circumstances and yet I can control my experience through the quality of my thoughts.
I am not responsible for the happenings of the world, and I am responsible for the happenings inside my world. Holding space for our sacred relation to all that surrounds us is the work of a lifetime. Understanding there is no bad creation and allowing gratitude and awe for the power the mind can wield sinks us deeper into the awareness we need to access new thought, new possibility, new creation.
Attempting to create something different in our lives before truly learning, acknowledging, and honoring the thoughts and feelings we’ve held to get us where we are is futile. It’s a fight against the very thing we’re trying to preserve – ourselves. Accept, allow, and embrace the beautifully tangled web that has created the artistry that lies before you and around you.
In that embrace, the knots begin to loosen and new pathways are formed. Perspective changes. The knowledge that something else is also true takes hold. Once we’re gifted with the awareness that our perspective shapes our experience, we get to decide what the beauty of our own creation means. It’s the moment we reclaim our power.
All my love,
Coach g
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